Wednesday 18 June 2014

Top 10 Best Moments from Game of Thrones Series 4

Season 4 is over and y'all have 10 months to wait for the next portion of Game of Thrones. Normally very bleak and often very frustrating, nonetheless this season was packed with suprises, character development and some truly delicious moments. Here is my countdown of the top 10. 

10. Pod, Brienne and a little bit of Hot Pie. (not a porno (yet))

Game of Thrones is famous for its quirky double acts (Tyrion and Bronn, Jaime and Brienne, Arya and the Hound) and the combo of Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne was such fun. I think I speak for everyone when I say that adorable scene with Hot Pie explaining about the gravy and bequeathing
 Brienne with a direwolf-shaped biscuit was a little bubble of happiness in the otherwise miserable world of Westeros. 

9. daario kills the champ 

I don't like Daario - and let us not mention Daenerys after a season of the worst decision making of all time - but you have to admit, Minister, he's got style. 

8. The hound loves chicken.

A moment of silence for our (presumably) fallen brother, Sandor Clegane. Besides giving us some swell quotes - "what the fuck's a Lommy?"; "Lots of people name their swords", "lots of c*nts" - the character really sparkled when he got a whiff of cooked chicken. That hanger (hungry anger) right there.

7. Valar Morghulis

Arya is my gurl. Her and needle are going on a little adventure to Braavos and I cannae bloody wait. She's so going to return with an army of waterdancing Syrios and win everything. 

Stannis becomes useful. 

(this amazing gif is from shitroulette on Tumblr)

Lezbehonest, Stannis so far has been a mopey piece of dull sandwich. I'm just talking from a  show perspective, here, I know the Mannis has a lot of bookreading fans. Apart from getting Melisandre to put leeches on people's penises and getting Melisandre to bear murderous shadow creatures from her vaj, Stan has done nowt but look like a surly teenager at a family gathering the whole time. FINALLY, though - it only took four series' - Stannis rocks up at the wall to lend a hand to the real fight of Westeros. 

I would also like to lump episode 9 'The Watchers on the Wall' into this moment. Wasn't that just awesome? Giants. On Mammoths. 

5. The demise of poor Joff. 

DON'T LIE. You loved to hate Joffrey I AM THE KING Lannister *ahem* Barathean. He was such a fantastic bad guy, the epitome of a spoilt brat. "The things he did shocked me. Do you think I'm easily shocked?" said mother Cersei. No Cersei, no we do not. 

He went down in style, though, showing us all what a fabulous little asshole he was. 

That swagger. 

4. Oberyn will be your hero, baby. 

There will forever be a hole in my heart for the sexy Prince of Dorne. I don't really want to talk about this much because I've got a bit of a headache from recent events (sorry) but, that moment when he says "I will be your champion". :')

3. Tywin has an unconventional father's day.

The demise of the Lannister patriarch in Episode 10 was juicy asf. After hearing straight up from his daughter that she had been having kids with her own brother (although come on, he definitely already knew), Poor old Tyty gets murdered by his other son on the shitter. Farewell, Charles Dance, you were the shit. 

2. Littlefinger shows Lysa where to go. 

Probably the most satisfying death of the series, this scene is just perfect. The way he dispassionately just saunters right up to old lactating Lysa, says to her "I've only loved one woman my whole life...your sister". BURN. Just such unabashed Littlefingerness. The internet plummeted into a moondoor of hilarity with that unfortunate lady. RIP Lysa, you weirdo.  

1. Tyrion's speech

I swear after watching Tyrion's trial speech every single person was like .....WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. He just lost it. And it was bloody marvelous. "I've been on trial my whole life!". You go, Tyrion!  YOU CAN BE MY LION <3

So, do you agree with my list? Comment below what you would put on there.